
Course Description

This AQ is offered by the Faculty of Education.  For inquires contact aq@uwindsor.ca. 
The PQP supports candidates working in a variety of educational settings and will explore, in an integrated delivery model, topics and issues of particular relevance to the context in which they work or may work.

Course Outline

The content of Part I is organized into five domains as reflected in the Leadership Framework for Principals and Vice-Principals. The five leadership domains used to organize the content and guide the Leadership Practicum are: Setting Directions, Building Relationships and Developing People, Developing the Organization, Leading the Instructional Program, and Securing Accountability.


Learner Outcomes

The program expectations, leadership domains, program content, and the Leadership practicum are interrelated and designed to support candidates in the development of relevant knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for the role of principal.
The Leadership Practicum is a required and integral component of the PQP. It is a structured educational leadership program experience. Candidates must develop a Leadership practicum proposal before being recommended for Part I.


With regards to admission requirements, the graduate credits must have been granted by an institution authorized to grant an acceptable post-secondary degree and have been completed in addition to any credits required for initial certification.
Effective September 30, 2011, qualifications in three subjects from Schedule F is deemed to be equivalent to one specialist or honour specialist qualification for the purposes of admission into Principal’s Qualification, Part I.

OSAP Funding for AQ Courses

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) now includes funding for hundreds of micro-credential programs. The micro-credentials plan ensures loans and grants will be available to more learners to rapidly upskill and reskill for in-demand jobs. Please be advised that this AQ course is on the list of eligible courses for OSAP funding. Please view the Micro-credential website for details and eligibility. https://www.ontario.ca/page/micro-credentials-ontarios-postsecondary-schools.


Who can get OSAP?


OSAP is open to Ontario residents of any age who are:

  • Canadian citizens
  • permanent residents, or
  • protected persons

 If you have questions regarding Micro-credential funding, please contact Student Awards and Financial Aid at award1@uwindsor.ca.



• "Certificate of Qualification" and Registration in good standing.
• an acceptable post-secondary degree or qualifications that the Registrar considers to be equivalent to such a degree
• Intermediate division qualification in a general education subject listed in Schedule A or Grades 9 and 10 technological subject from Schedule B, and entries for any two of the following qualifications:
  • Primary division
  • Junior division
  • either Grades 11 and 12 in a technological education subject from Schedule B or the Senior Division in a general education subject from Schedule A
• five school years of successful classroom teaching experience in a school providing elementary or secondary education as verified on the Confirmation of Teaching Experience form, signed by a supervisory officer.  This form must be submitted to our office by the semester deadline date for course approval.
And one of the following:
  •  two specialist or honour specialist qualifications
  •  one specialist or honour specialist qualification, and at least half the number of graduate postsecondary credits required to qualify for a master’s degree
  • a master’s degree that required completion of at least 30 graduate postsecondary credits or their equivalent
  • a doctorate, or at least 30 graduate postsecondary credits or their equivalent

Important Notice: While we endeavour to be as accurate as possible while reviewing your qualifications for courses in our program, the Faculty of Education bears no responsibility for ensuring you have met the qualifications as per the guidelines of the Ontario College of Teachers. It is your responsibility to learn which prerequisites you will need. https://www.oct.ca/members/additional-qualifications/prerequisites

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Principal's Qualification Program, Part 1 (Fall 2024)
Section Schedule
Oct 07, 2024 to Dec 22, 2024
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $900.00
Reading List / Textbook
There are no textbooks required for this course.
Section Notes

The deadline to enroll for Fall 2024 is September 22, 2024.  All tuition fees and supporting admission documentation is due by this date. If you require assistance, please contact aq@uwindsor.ca.

See above for discount opportunities. 

NOTE:  PQP 1 course will be facilitated online and will consist of both 40 in-class online synchronous hours and 60 hours of asynchronous learning.  Online synchronous hours are scheduled Saturdays from 8:00am-noon except for October 12, 2024 (Thanksgiving weekend).  The Instructor will schedule an online meeting and a small group meeting as a substitute for the October 12th Thanksgiving weekend.


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