79-162 - AQ Mathematics, Grades 7 and 8
Course Description
Course Outline
- applying current research and knowledge of learning preferences, and instructional and assessment strategies in the context of mathematics education (for example, math phobia)
- connecting Mathematics, grades 7/8 to students’ everyday experiences.
- integrating differentiated instruction and universal design in the planning, development and implementation of learning experiences
- embedding multiple representations (for example, concrete, pictorial, tables and charts, graphical, numeric, algebraic) and a variety of tools (for example, calculator, algebra tiles, snap cubes, integer tiles, relational rods, geoboards) in the teaching and learning of mathematical concepts
- implementing mathematics specific software (for example, GSP, TinkerPlots) and technology (for example, calculators) to develop conceptual understanding
- understanding and responding to the issues of assessment and evaluation particular to the study of Mathematics, Grades 7 and 8.
There are no textbooks required for this course.
OSAP Funding for AQ Courses
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) now includes funding for hundreds of micro-credential programs. The micro-credentials plan ensures loans and grants will be available to more learners to rapidly upskill and reskill for in-demand jobs. Please be advised that this AQ course is on the list of eligible courses for OSAP funding. Please view the Micro-credential website for details and eligibility. https://www.ontario.ca/page/micro-credentials-ontarios-postsecondary-schools.
Who can get OSAP?
OSAP is open to Ontario residents of any age who are:
- Canadian citizens
- permanent residents, or
- protected persons
Students must enroll in courses prior to the semester deadline date. OSAP would directly reimburse you for the tuition fee. If you have questions regarding Micro-credential funding, please contact Student Awards and Financial Aid at OSAPMC@uwindsor.ca.
- Hold a “Certificate of Qualification” showing basic qualifications in two divisions, i.e. Primary, Junior, Intermediate, or Senior. Candidates who hold an Interim COQ may have different/additional criteria for registration as required by the Ontario College of Teachers, and as specified on their Interim COQ.
- "Certificate of Qualification" is in good standing.
NOTE: If you have qualifications in Technological Education subjects, your certificate of qualification and registration enables you to complete a number of AQs, including any in Schedule C.
Important Notice: While we endeavour to be as accurate as possible while reviewing your qualifications for courses in our program, the Faculty of Education bears no responsibility for ensuring you have met the qualifications as per the guidelines of the Ontario College of Teachers. It is your responsibility to learn which prerequisites you will need. https://www.oct.ca/members/additional-qualifications/prerequisites