79-354 - AQ Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Specialist
Course Description
This AQ is offered by the Faculty of Education. For inquires contact aq@uwindsor.ca.
This course is designed to further extend and expand the learning from Part 1. Course candidates will model the implementation of the Ontario curriculum and government policies germane to the integration of information and computer technology in the classroom. Candidates will further explore their leadership skills in the assessment and strategizing towards building collaborations and supports within the education community for the use of technology.
Course Outline
Topics in this course include:
- understanding theories of change in educational practices as they relate to information and communication technology
- designing innovative information and communication technology practices to meet the curriculum needs of the school and/or district
- demonstrating knowledge of board, provincial, national and international reports and current trends in theory and research relating to information and communication technology
- assessing and evaluating information and communication technology integration strategies at the school and/or district level
- developing strategies to guide school/district personnel in adopting equitable, ethical and inclusive practices related to information and communication technology
- facilitating professional opportunities for ongoing professional learning opportunities for teachers
- extending research skills to inform practice at all levels in the system
- facilitating the acquisition of supportive and assisting technologies for use in the school
- leading in the planning of programs with colleagues that reflect the relationship among expectations, teaching/learning strategies, and assessment and evaluation
- leading in the planning of programs and courses with colleagues that focus on the use, accommodation and/or modification of expectations, teaching strategies and assessment practices based on the developmental and/or special needs of students
- demonstrating leadership in the application of classroom management principles to provide a safe learning environment
- providing leadership in sustaining a learning community for colleagues to develop a commitment to and acquire confidence in delivering programs with the integration of information and communication technology that meet the needs of students
- modeling a commitment to maintaining a high level of knowledge and skills in the area of information and communication technology
- demonstrating leadership in the application of school, board and provincial guidelines, procedures, policies, and regulations with regard to the Internet and related communications technology
- working collaboratively to develop formative and summative assessments of school and/or district curriculum initiatives involving information technology
- identifying, accessing and assessing appropriate resources in the community
- modeling collaborative strategies with in-school personnel, parents/guardians and the community
there are no textbooks required for this course.
OSAP Funding for AQ Courses
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) now includes funding for hundreds of micro-credential programs. The micro-credentials plan ensures loans and grants will be available to more learners to rapidly upskill and reskill for in-demand jobs. Please be advised that this AQ course is on the list of eligible courses for OSAP funding. Please view the Micro-credential website for details and eligibility. https://www.ontario.ca/page/micro-credentials-ontarios-postsecondary-schools.
Who can get OSAP?
OSAP is open to Ontario residents of any age who are:
- Canadian citizens
- permanent residents, or
- protected persons
If you have questions regarding Micro-credential funding, please contact Student Awards and Financial Aid at award1@uwindsor.ca.
- Hold a "Certificate of Qualification" showing basic qualifications in two divisions, i.e. Primary, Junior, Intermediate, or Senior. Candidates who hold an Interim Certificate may have different/additional criteria for registration as required by the Ontario College of Teachers (as specified on the Interim Certificate).
- "Certificate of Qualification" must be in good standing.
- Completion of AQ Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Part 2.
- Two years of teaching experience - equivalent to 388 days of teaching experience, one of which must demonstrate that integrated teaching addressing students with computer needs has taken place. Confirmation of Teaching Experience form signed by a Supervisory Officer* and submitted to our office by the semester due or shortly after this date for course approval.
- Candidates who hold Technological Education qualifications without basic qualifications in Primary, Junior, Intermediate, or Senior divisions are eligible to register in this course.
Important Notice: While we endeavour to be as accurate as possible while reviewing your qualifications for courses in our program, the Faculty of Education bears no responsibility for ensuring you have met the qualifications as per the guidelines of the Ontario College of Teachers. It is your responsibility to learn which prerequisites you will need. https://www.oct.ca/members/additional-qualifications/prerequisites