79-477 - AQ Honour Specialist, Business Studies
Course Description
This AQ is offered by the Faculty of Education. For inquires contact aq@uwindsor.ca.
The Additional Qualification course Honour Specialist Business Studies focuses on curriculum leadership. The course addresses contexts and theories underpinning the study of Business Studies. Pedagogy, curriculum, assessment and evaluation, technology, child and adolescent development related to program planning and implementation are also addressed.
Course Outline
Topics in this course include:
- demonstrating an awareness of local, provincial and international developments in the teaching of Business Studies
- analyzing Ministry of Education elementary and secondary curriculum policies and identifying implications for program planning and implementation
- assisting colleagues to modify learning expectations and teaching practices and to make accommodations for the learner based on developmental and/or special needs
- exploring opportunities for cross-curricular literacy and interdisciplinary studies in Business Studies education
- examining the use of appropriate technology to implement the Business Studies curriculum and facilitate student learning
- demonstrating leadership in modifying assessment practices based on the developmental and/or special needs of students
- assisting others to access organizational, print and electronic resources which support curriculum, professional growth and leadership
- modelling team building and decision-making skills necessary as a curriculum leader in Business Studies
- demonstrating skills and strategies that facilitate the establishment of networks with school and board personnel, subject associations, parents/guardians and the community to support Business Studies education
There are no textbooks required for this course.
OSAP Funding for AQ Courses
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) now includes funding for hundreds of micro-credential programs. The micro-credentials plan ensures loans and grants will be available to more learners to rapidly upskill and reskill for in-demand jobs. Please be advised that this AQ course is on the list of eligible courses for OSAP funding. Please view the Micro-credential website for details and eligibility. https://www.ontario.ca/page/micro-credentials-ontarios-postsecondary-schools.
Who can get OSAP?
OSAP is open to Ontario residents of any age who are:
- Canadian citizens
- permanent residents, or
- protected persons
If you have questions regarding Micro-credential funding, please contact Student Awards and Financial Aid at award1@uwindsor.ca.
- Hold a "Certificate of Qualification" in good standing.
- A Bachelor’s degree from an Ontario university in a program that requires four years of university study, or the equivalent, to a total of at least 20 full year courses and in which the candidate has obtained at least second class or equivalent standing (B average - 70%) in at least NINE full year courses in the subject for which the candidate seeks qualification. (Note that course weights vary across institutions. Courses weighted as 3 credits are likely to be half courses.);
- Evidence of at least two years of successful teaching experience, of which at least one year (194 days) in the Honour Specialist area, as certified by the appropriate supervisory officer on our Confirmation of Teaching Experience Form. This form must be received by the course start date and for course approval.
Important Notice: While we endeavour to be as accurate as possible while reviewing your qualifications for courses in our program, the Faculty of Education bears no responsibility for ensuring you have met the qualifications as per the guidelines of the Ontario College of Teachers. It is your responsibility to learn which prerequisites you will need. https://www.oct.ca/members/additional-qualifications/prerequisites