HLTH 7110 - Critical Care Simulation
Course Description
The Critical Care Simulation is the final requirement of the Introduction to Critical Care Program, geared toward Nursing Professionals.
The Critical Care Simulation will be completed in-person in the Faculty of Nursing, University of Windsor simulation lab with high fidelity manikins. In small groups, learners will be presented with case-based scenarios that will align with the theory in the 7 self-directed modules. Participants will develop skills in caring for the critically ill patient. Scenarios will focus on mechanical ventilation, cardiac rhythm interpretation and treatment, as well as hemodynamics. Team dynamics, pharmacology, and ethical issues will be threaded throughout each scenario.
Learners must complete all 7 Critical Care modules in the Introduction to Critical Care program before attending the Critical Care Simulation. Individuals who do not complete the 7 critical care modules will not be permitted to attend the Critical Care Simulation and will be automatically withdrawn from the Critical Care Simulation course.
Brightspace Requirements
- Class materials will be posted on D2L Brightspace. Learners will require access to a computer with high-speed internet access.
- A link will be provided through email and you will have access the first day of class.
- Please activate your UWinID. Your UWinID and password are needed to access Brightspace. If you have any issues, please contact continue@uwindsor.ca.
Brightspace works equally well in all modern browsers on PCs and Macs: MS Edge (recommended by IT Services for all apps), Chrome, Firefox and Safari (Mac). On mobile devices, Safari is the only supported browser on Apple iOS and Chrome is the only supported browser on Google Android. Please review the Brightspace system requirements.
Critical Care Simulation is designed for nursing professionals or senior students (Nursing or Medical) who already have a basic understanding of critical care and wish to learn more about providing care to patients in the critical care areas.
It is expected that learners will have:
- Successfully completed all 7 self-directed modules in the Introduction to Critical Care Program (before attending the Critical Care Simulation)
- Basic computer skills or course completion in fundamental computer applications such as Word
- Experience working with word processing, email and web browsing
- English language proficiency