
Course Description

This online class is an introduction to the principles, concepts and techniques of marketing. A significant objective of this class is the development of a basic understanding of the marketing process and its role in the organization, and in the economy. Marketing is an exciting field of study; it taxes your basic knowledge of economics, psychology, sociology, and other business fields, as well as your powers of observation. Additional class focus will be placed upon the marketing manager’s need to make decisions with fluctuating and limited information, and better understanding client management, client decision-making, and the complexity and dynamism of marketing. Empowering you to make not only better marketing decisions but more strategic marketing decisions is critical.

This course applies towards the following certificates: miniMBA

Learner Outcomes

Learners who successfully complete the class will be able to:

  • Ability to make decisions based upon complex, partial and competing information to best achieve organizational goals
  • Engage a strategic-level of approach and analysis when making overarching decisions and then operationalize tactical choices rooted in strategy
  • Assimilate multiple points of information to deduce, comprehend and shape the wisest possible decision given the depth and/or dearth of intelligence
  • Explain the importance of socially responsible marketing decisions and how they benefit the social, economic and environmental fabric of a given market

Learners will actively participate in online classes and complete a combination of assignments. Learners will be assigned a grade of "complete or incomplete" upon completion.


This class is offered online through Brightspace. Learners will require access to a computer with high-speed internet access.

Learning Management System Requirements

All course details can be accessed through Brightspace. A link will be provided through email and you will have access the first day of class.

Please activate your UWinID. Your UWinID and password are needed to access Brightspace. If you have any issues, please contact continue@uwindsor.ca.

Review the full Browser support - Brightspace (d2l.com).


Minimum admission requirements include:

  • Basic computer skills or course completion in fundamental computer applications such as Word
  • Experience working with word processing, email and web browsing
  • English language proficiency
  • Some post-secondary education (recommended)
  • At least 3 years related work experience (recommended)

Proof of any of the above admission requirements may be requested.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Marketing Essentials
Section Schedule
Mar 08, 2025 to Mar 22, 2025
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Fee non-credit $375.00 or $25.00 deposit
Section Notes

Full refund 7 days before the start of the course, minus a $25.00 administration fee.  Please review the Registration and Refund Policies.

Update your profile with your Social Insurance Number to receive a completed T2202 for this class.

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