
Course Description

This course is open to select Family Law and Youth Justice section employees only. Contact continue@uwindsor.ca with inquiries.

Course Outline

An overview of the foundation of race literacy with an emphasis on key terms, definitions, and discussions of unconscious bias, micro-aggressions, and systematic oppression among marginalized groups.

Module 1: Race and Race Literacy

Overview of Race literacy and consciousness; Glossary of Terms (i.e. power, privilege, equity vs equality, whiteness, fragility, ethnicity, culture, prejudice etc.); Unconscious Bias; Contemporary controversial ABR topics: Black Lives Matter and the N-Word

Module 2: Systemic Oppression and Marginalized Groups

Systemic Oppression and Marginalized Groups; Institutional anti-Black Racism in education, policing, criminal justice, and health care; Awareness of the myriad ways racialized groups are marginalized socially, politically, and institutionally.

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